The National Level

The FEE EcoCampus is an international environmental education program with campuses participating from all over the globe. There are therefore national organisations that manage the program in each participating nation. Each national organisation appoints a National Operator who is responsible for managing the programme. The FEE EcoCampus national operator provides assistance, and information, and eventually reviews the Campus’s progress and grants the Green Flag certification.

On Campus: The Seven-Step Methodology

Each campus must appoint one or more individuals who will champion the program on campus and implement the Seven-Step Methodology.

The Seven-Step Methodology is a blueprint that sets an agenda to be followed step by step to gain our internationally renowned Green Flag award. The methodology and programme are intended to be flexible enough to accommodate any campus and each step should be implemented to suit the campus capacity at the point of implementation.

FEE Accreditation Award

The Green Flag Award is an international accreditation scheme that recognizes and rewards quality implementation of the Seven Step process including establishing an Eco-Committee, conducting environmental reviews, developing action plans, and demonstrating measurable improvements in areas such as waste management, energy efficiency, water conservation, biodiversity, and community involvement.

Earning the Green Flag Award not only recognizes a school's efforts in environmental stewardship but also serves as a symbol of environmental excellence within the campus community and beyond. It indicates a commitment to sustainability education and practices that benefit both the school environment and the wider community.