Application for Research Collaborations

With over 100 member organisations in over 80 countries, FEE is the world’s largest Environmental Education organisation. Through our five programmes, we strive to make a difference every day, using a solution-based approach to empower people to create a more environmentally conscious world.

As part of the GAIA 20:30 Campaign, FEE has launched Research Collaborations with higher education institutions.

It is designed for university students and faculties to conduct a thesis on a subject/topic related to one of the 5 programmes of the Foundation for Environmental Education.

The objective is to assist researchers interested in doing their thesis on sustainability issues with mentorship, research and financial support.

At the end of the study, the researcher will present his/her findings to FEE with a written report and a presentation/webinar.

By conducting a research study in collaboration with FEE, the researcher will have:

  • access to data from FEE Global Network

  • support and access to data collection and analytical tools

  • an expert advisor from the FEE head Office to support the student in the course of study

  • financial support of up to 2500€ to cover study-related expenses

  • dissemination of the study to the stakeholders of FEE

Please note that FEE provides support to the researcher but does not in any way replace the authority of the university. The student collaborating with FEE should have an academic supervisor and respect the timetable given to him/her by the university.

Research Topics

FEE EcoCampus is looking for self-motivated candidates to research the following suggested research topics:

Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

  • Development and validation of a GAIA 20:30 Literacy assessment tool (For ages 14 to 16).


  • How Green is Green Flag? – A multi-country comparison of green flag awarded schools.

  • What are the impacts of the Eco-School/FEE EcoCampus programme on students’ academic performance?

Learning About Forests (LEAF)

  • Assessment of learners' connections with nature through the Learning about Forests programme.

Young Reporters for Environment (YRE)

  • How participating in YRE promotes active citizenship and opinion leadership?

  • How the YRE programme impact youth, change in competences and development of leadership skills?

  • What are the programme-related factors (e g teacher's age, gender, NOS experience, socio-economic level) that influence YRE (or ES) students?

  • How to educate effectively on Environmental Sustainable Development to balance gender inequalities in programmes like YRE/EcoSchool/LEAF or campaigns e.g. LitterLessCampaign?

Blue Flag

  • How the Blue Flag programme can help advancing national or cross-border Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) design and implementation, through its vision, mission, criteria and projects going beyond the award system itself.

  • Blue Flag beaches as a path for community building – follow a case of a regenerative environmental project in a Blue Flag awarded beach.

  • What opportunities does Blue Flag provide in connecting communities and schools through Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development?

  • Building a sustainable future: Engaging Eco-schools with Blue Flag sites.

Green Key

  • A comparative study on Green Key certified establishments (quantitative study, comparing implementation of criteria – imperative or guideline criteria, but also number of certified establishments, energy consumption, waste, etc).

  • Perception of hotels’ guests on the Green Key certified establishments.



Criteria to apply

  • The student must be enrolled in a master’s degree programme.

  • The thesis must be completed in 6 to 12 months.

  • Application entry portal: Currently closed (updated: July 2024) Watch this space for Research Collaborations announcements for 2024/2025

Steps to apply:

  1. Review FEE’s different programmes and select a subject that would be of interest to you. The research topic could be from the list mentioned above or also could be something that you are interested in the context of the programme.

  2. Write a Synopsis using this format.

  3. Submit the Synopsis, consent letter (of approving the topic for your master thesis) from your University and a Curriculum Vitae using the form below.

Do you have any questions or wish to receive more information? Contact the following: