About the programme

FEE EcoCampus is both an award and a programme that provides a framework to guide higher education institutions on their sustainable journey and model sustainability as an integral part of campus life while involving staff, teachers and the student body by empowering them to become forward thinkers and lead the way towards sustainable development.

Through an inclusive and action-based approach universities and students get involved, show commitment and engage for positive change. With our comprehensive Seven-Step Methodology, we aim to facilitate the integration of sustainability measures within complex multi-level institutions. This fosters sustainability awareness in institutions in a way that links to everyday activities and curriculum, and ties in with the operational requirements of a complex multi-use facility.

Besides the operational integration, FEE EcoCampus is first and foremost an education programme which empowers students to lead for sustainability and endeavours to extend learning beyond the lecture theatre to develop responsible attitudes towards the environment, culture and society and create value for the wider community.