Strategic development
Starting 2024, efforts started to broaden the scope of our engagement with the 18+ age group. This strategic programmatic shift aims to provide young people in formal and non-formal settings with a specialized platform that addresses their unique challenges and opportunities in promoting sustainability and environmental education.
1. An accreditation programme – Continue with the Green Flag criteria-based accreditation of campuses based on seven steps facilitating both environmental and educational improvement. Prioritize hospitality and teacher training schools to support Eco-Schools and Green Key establishment with trained human resources. Develop a new system to allow higher education institutions without a member organisation to work directly with FEE.
2. Professional development – Structure internships to give valuable experience to young people/students through our programmes and develop a cadre of young professionals. This could be a centralized service providing work-based learning opportunities at FEE HO and also with FEE Members.
3. Research and Fellowship – Encourage research through young professionals – master thesis and PhD. Could be part of future projects and a tool for project evaluation and engagement with experts in the field of ESD. Fellowship could also be encouraged with academics and mid-career professionals. FEE could offer access to its network for collecting data and generating wisdom to shape the programmes and discourse.
4. Events and conferences – Organize conferences and events to engage the youth and academics. Discover our 1st international of Eco-Campus held in Lisbon the 26-27th of April 2024.
5. Leadership development – Strengthen the YRE programme at the tertiary level (18-25 age group). Rework the Fellowship programme to support young professionals working with FEE Membership. Learn more about YRE programme.
6. Course Delivery – Partner for delivery of accredited courses on FEE Academy and in different institutions. FEE Members can work as experts and provide practitioners' perspectives on theoretical/academic courses. Find our more on FEE Academy.
7. Engage with Workspaces – Life-long learning by offering a programme for organizations to run in their settings. Something similar to GK for workplaces.
8. Advocacy and policy engagement - Establish the leadership of the Eco-Campus network in international efforts to green tertiary education (e.g. contextualization of UNESCO Green Quality Standards).