Celebrating 30 Years of Eco-Schools and Young Reporters for the Environment

On Thursday 6th June 2024, we celebrate our 30-year anniversary webinar of two sister programmes of FEE EcoCampus: , Eco-Schools and Young Reporters for the Environment. Our theme was ‘Greening Schools to Greening Communities’

Our celebration included:

  • Keynote speech speaker Eric Guilyardi, Climate scientist CNRS/IPSL ​and President of the Office for Climate Education​

  • Words from our CEO, Daniel Schaffer

  • Presentation of our 2023/2024 Teacher Awards

  • Information about past and current Eco-Schools activities from 3 Awards Teachers,  Zie Essop, Edd Moore and Cheng Bee Selim DelaPeña

  • Getting to know the stories of two YRE students, Samira Axiak and Adriána Henčeková, and finding out how this programme has impacted their academic, personal and professional lives.

For those that couldn’t attend or watch the whole webinar, we have uploaded the recording here and you can find the presentation here.

Looking forward to celebrating 30 more years!